Trouble Shooting

This trouble shooting section pertains to the web-based JACL interpreter.
The game has started, but after each turn the game just starts again from the beginning. Check in the configuration file (/etc/jacl.conf by default), for the current setting for bookmarks. This directive indicates the directory where all saved-games are placed. This directory must exist and the user Apache is running as must have write access to this directory. The directory specified by the bookmarks directive must end with a slash.
I receive an Internal Server Error whenever I try to access my game. This problem can be caused by your game not having the execute bit set. It can also be caused by a variety of differnt bugs in your game.
When I run my game I get garbled output including Unknown command errors. Whenever you modify your game you must either kill all existing processes or restart the Apache server. Failing to do so will cause stale file pointers to be used by the interpreter.